Today we had a meeting with AJ's "team", which consists of the resident doctor, attending doctor, social worker and physical therapists. They recapped his condition and then gave these reports:
* DR - At 3 weeks post injury, AJ is doing phenomenal
* DR - In the first month of healing it's difficult to tell what's happening
* DR - He is taking among the very lowest amounts of medications we have given for this injury
* DR - No problems with breathing infections, etc. has helped AJ progress faster than normal
* DR - This week AJ will start on Functional Electronic Stimulation
* OT is happy with AJ's progress (work on adaptation and muscle function)
* OT will take a few field trips (part of re-integration in his power chair)
* OT will start reviewing what will be needed for release to home environment
* PT said that AJ is a hard worker and that he inspires other while he is working in the rehab gym
* PT is working toward tripod sitting, transfers and rolling in bed
* Social Worker - Discharge date set as October 31
* Social Worker - Information on what medical insurance covers and does not cover
* DR - Expects outpatient rehab for at least 1 year
We need to start finding an outpatient facility closer to home that specializes in spinal cord rehabilitation. Hopefully it will be closer than Seattle, but we'll go where we need to go!
If you guys need money tell us how much and the paypal account to send it to