Unfortunately, AJ didn't sleep well last night so when it was time for OT, he could NOT stay awake. They hoisted him from bed, put him in his chair, and after maybe 15 minutes of therapy, they decided to cancel all his morning therapy appointments. AJ was put back into his bed where he slept for 3 hours. When he woke up, he didn't remember ever getting out of bed! It's strange for him to be so exhausted. AJ has never needed a lot of sleep, but then again, major injury has an effect on a lot of previous habits.
AJ was awake enough to attend afternoon PT. He practiced sitting in a tripod position (his body sitting don is one "leg" and each arm extended to the side and behind him are the other 2 'legs' of the tri-pod). It drained his energy! They told AJ that this is what they have been working toward all week and that this skill will allow him much more freedom to get around.
Alexis leaves tomorrow for BYU-I. AJ wanted to do something special for her, so he planned a special date night Outback style! One of our favorite nurses, Sharon, let us decorate the education room for their private dinner. I got dinner at the closest Outback (in Sandy), and when I returned, AJ ordered the pre-planned meal while I served the food in courses (doing my best to remember how it's done at Outback). Alexis was surprised and they had a great time. It's great to see AJ create fun anytime, anywhere!
He is so sweet. What a great kid.