Tuesday, May 12, 2015

March 2015 - Road Trips, TV & BYU

AJ & Alexis with Ivy-dog.
AJ felt like visiting home this month, so we hopped in the van and made the 10 hour drive!  It was a smooth drive with a few additional stops so AJ could get out of the car and move around. Sitting in one place for too long can cause pressure sores so he has to make sure to move himself often.  He also found that he doesn't sleep well in cars anymore.  Maybe that will resolve over time.  He also made an overnight trip to California with Alexis for a friend's wedding.  He loved being back in California and seeing special people that he hasn't seen since before the accident.  To go places overnight requires a lot of equipment or really strong people to help with moving him.  AJ was grateful to Alex's dad and brother who powered him around for the visit!

KSL, the local news station in Salt Lake City, UT, did a piece on Neuroworx, the physical therapy place AJ attends. In the news piece they told some of AJ's story and interviewed him.  If you want to watch the piece, just go to http://www.ksl.com/?nid=1010&sid=33725531#eHsuwTEAreUX82Ai.01.

This month AJ also registered for Fall classes at BYU and signed up for an online class -- a refresher in Calculus.  From the pic he took and sent to us you can tell he's excited to be back! He used a fine tip Sharpie that can be clicked on and off for this writing.  He has found that the small amount of movement in his left thumb and middle finger gives him a good enough control that it's worth becoming a lefty!

 BYU has an Accessibility Department where students go for assistance with their individual needs.  Before school starts, AJ will meet with them to discuss things like help with note taking and the type of software he may want to purchase for his schooling.  There's a lot to consider and get arranged.  Luckily, AJ has always enjoyed school.  Now there will be many new challenges for him to tackle!
We know he can do it!

February 2015 - Buses and Trains

AJ's innate desire to be independent and his willingness to work hard is proving to be a great blessing in his progress (although at times it also gives his parents some serious worries - haha!).

This month AJ figured out the Utah public transportation system (UTA). Even though he has already been accepted on the Para-Transit (a division of UTA that transports individuals with limiting conditions) he wanted to ride the general bus/train system because it is faster and it gives him the ability to get around without having to schedule ahead.  Both of his therapy offices are close to bus drop off locations, so as long as the weather is good he can use this system.  There are many challenges (like uneven side walks, pushing fast enough to get to the right place at a transfer station, keeping things like a cell phone on his lap, etc.) that would be simplified with a power chair, but AJ wants to use his wheelchair so he's finding ways to make it work.

This month we also discovered a very small movement in AJ's left leg.  If his leg is hanging bent, he can will it to move upward an inch or so!  It was an exciting discovery and we made him repeat it until his muscle fatigued and would move no more :).  Who knows where that may lead?! It may be slow, but it's still improvement.

February marked 6 months since the accident.  At 5 months, AJ invited a group of friends and they all went out to dinner to celebrate his progress.  This month was just the opposite.  He preferred the day to pass without any fan fare.  He goes through many ups and downs, yet he keeps a very steady determination and hope through it all.

Our family made a decision this month:  We are going to move to Utah when school is out for the summer and possibly the following year. It's hard to say anything beyond that. We have confidence that AJ will continue to progress and we want to be close enough to help him with his needs as he moves on with his education and life.  Although it is so hard to even think about leaving this home and the people we love here, we are happy that we will all be together and we trust there are many new, happy adventures ahead!