Sunday, October 19, 2014
October 13 - Feels Like Christmas!
Aunt Michelle brought AJ a gift -- his very own BYU football blanket!!! She made it extra large so that it will actually cover him while he is in bed. It's a bold move here in Ute country, but AJ remains loyal to the Cougs.
Since AJ's accident happened on the way back to school, his luggage with most of his clothes have been packed in the back of our car for the last 7 weeks. AJ is getting tired of the slim pickin's in his clothing selection, so we headed outside to look in the car for something else. He started off just picking out a couple pairs of shorts, but then he saw some socks, then some shirts, until finally we just took all of the clothes with us! He was so excited it kind of felt like Christmas! :)
I have found that incorporating the simple, usual things of AJ's life before the accident (like styling his hair and wearing his favorite clothes) helps him recognize himself as AJ the independent, smart, good humored man. Instead of only being a patient in rehab.
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
October 12 - Fast Sunday & Family Supper
We were back to our hospital branch for church today! Branch President Camac, and his wife have been so welcoming and supportive. AJ was able to partake of the sacrament with very little assistance. He used his wrist strength to take a piece of bread from my hand and eat it. Then I placed the cup of water in his hand and he drank it by himself.
As if that wasn't awesome enough, he felt inspired to bear his testimony. He spoke about his knowledge of the Plan of Salvation and the resurrection, and he expressed gratitude for that knowledge because it is what has kept him going through this trial. He also recognized the peace he feels when he reads the Book of Mormon and how he has been blessed by the power of the priesthood. The Spirit was strong as AJ and others bore their testimonies. It was powerful.
AJ is pretty funny. After church today, a branch member told him that therapy may hurt but that just means it's working. AJ agreed with him, coining the new phrase, "Pain is paralyzation leaving the body." haha - New bumper sticker?? AJ's great sense of humor keeps things light and fun. In the afternoon/evening we had friends and family visit, and also had a big family-style dinner & dessert!
As if that wasn't awesome enough, he felt inspired to bear his testimony. He spoke about his knowledge of the Plan of Salvation and the resurrection, and he expressed gratitude for that knowledge because it is what has kept him going through this trial. He also recognized the peace he feels when he reads the Book of Mormon and how he has been blessed by the power of the priesthood. The Spirit was strong as AJ and others bore their testimonies. It was powerful.
AJ is pretty funny. After church today, a branch member told him that therapy may hurt but that just means it's working. AJ agreed with him, coining the new phrase, "Pain is paralyzation leaving the body." haha - New bumper sticker?? AJ's great sense of humor keeps things light and fun. In the afternoon/evening we had friends and family visit, and also had a big family-style dinner & dessert!
We love Sundays!
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From left to right: Gabrielle (David's caregiver), David (a fellow patient-friend), Jim (David's friend), Grant, Aunt Michelle (fellow cook & week-long helper), Uncle Jim, Aunt Denise & AJ |
Monday, October 13, 2014
October 11 - Strength & Balance with Determination!
It was an exhausting day for AJ as he pushed a wheel-chair on different surfaces, and worked on the mat to improve balance. Here's a little glimpse into the work from today:
First, AJ used a power assist wheelchair on a hard surface. The goal is to be able to give it a hard enough initial push to engage the electric wheel. Then the electric wheel powers the chair forward. At first it was hard for AJ to have enough power to engage the motor, but he got the hang of it pretty quickly.
Second was taking that chair onto the carpet. Needless to say it was a lot harder! But AJ wouldn't give up!
Then AJ went to the mat to work on balancing. If you can imagine it, AJ is balancing without using any of his core muscles or triceps. He is only using his head, shoulders & arms (biceps), Exhausting!
It is inspiring to watch AJ work so hard and be so blessed with a peaceful spirit as he gives his all.
First, AJ used a power assist wheelchair on a hard surface. The goal is to be able to give it a hard enough initial push to engage the electric wheel. Then the electric wheel powers the chair forward. At first it was hard for AJ to have enough power to engage the motor, but he got the hang of it pretty quickly.
Then AJ went to the mat to work on balancing. If you can imagine it, AJ is balancing without using any of his core muscles or triceps. He is only using his head, shoulders & arms (biceps), Exhausting!
It is inspiring to watch AJ work so hard and be so blessed with a peaceful spirit as he gives his all.
Sunday, October 12, 2014
October 9 - "Over the River and Through the Woods..." (Reintegration #3)
For AJ's 3rd outing we took a trip to Grandma & Grandpa Hunt's house. Our family has made lots of fun visits to Grandma's house through the years, so it's a special place for AJ to be! Grandma and Grandpa were so happy to see him and AJ had a great time visiting with them.
As AJ visited with his grandparents, the therapist and I measured the house and discussed the possibilities of living there when AJ is released. AJ will need special equipment, but it's hard to decide what equipment to buy since a lot of it will require remodeling, and AJ may not need it for very long.:) With that in mind, we were happy to discover that the home will only require minor remodeling with some specialized equipment. So, living at Grandma and Grandpa's will be a done deal if our therapist can get the insurance to allow the equipment that we need.
One more complication....The van we bought arrived yesterday, so we thought it would be good for AJ to test it out while he was at the house. As he was rolling into the van, suddenly his forehead made contact with the door frame! Yep...he's too tall for the van! haha The therapist said that it's because of size of the wheelchair and that he can order one that will work. But, hey, it just gives AJ one more reason to be in a manual chair when we leave here!
As AJ visited with his grandparents, the therapist and I measured the house and discussed the possibilities of living there when AJ is released. AJ will need special equipment, but it's hard to decide what equipment to buy since a lot of it will require remodeling, and AJ may not need it for very long.:) With that in mind, we were happy to discover that the home will only require minor remodeling with some specialized equipment. So, living at Grandma and Grandpa's will be a done deal if our therapist can get the insurance to allow the equipment that we need.
One more complication....The van we bought arrived yesterday, so we thought it would be good for AJ to test it out while he was at the house. As he was rolling into the van, suddenly his forehead made contact with the door frame! Yep...he's too tall for the van! haha The therapist said that it's because of size of the wheelchair and that he can order one that will work. But, hey, it just gives AJ one more reason to be in a manual chair when we leave here!
October 7 & 8 - Trails Expo
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Downhill Mountain Bike |
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AJ and a friend who was released from rehab 2 weeks ago. |
Friday, October 10, 2014
October 6 - And the Winner is...Salt Lake City!
With just under a month before discharge, we needed to make a decision on where AJ will receive his initial out-patient treatment. For the past few weeks we have gathered information and studied our options. We have discovered that there is no simple path where everything falls in place! Every possible plan is complicated and there are some questions/issues that just cannot be resolved at this time. A talk given by Elder Bednar called "The Spirit of Revelation" helped me to push forward with faith:
In many of the uncertainties and challenges we encounter in our lives, God requires us to do our best, to act and not be acted upon (see 2 Nephi 2:26), and to trust in Him. We may not see angels, hear heavenly voices, or receive overwhelming spiritual impressions. We frequently may press forward hoping and praying—but without absolute assurance—that we are acting in accordance with God’s will. But as we honor our covenants and keep the commandments, as we strive ever more consistently to do good and to become better, we can walk with the confidence that God will guide our steps.
Sometimes the spirit of revelation will operate immediately and intensely, other times subtly and gradually, and often so delicately you may not even consciously recognize it. But regardless of the pattern whereby this blessing is received, the light it provides will illuminate and enlarge your soul, enlighten your understanding (see Alma 5:7; 32:28), and direct and protect you and your family. ~David A. Bednar, April 2011 Gen. ConferenceSo, with much prayer, we have decided to stay in the Salt Lake City area at least through the end of the year. The equipment, expertise, and community support that is available here for AJ is amazing. Although our family will have to continue to live apart, we feel peace in our decision and have received confirmation that the Lord will provide a way for us!
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
October 5 - A Beautiful Day for an Outing (Reintegration #2)
Sunday was General Conference! John, Brad, Caleb and Alexis all came into town so we could spend this weekend together. We had tickets to go to Temple Square in Salt Lake City to watch the talks live. (Shortly after the accident, while AJ was in the post surgery care unit, John told AJ that we had been given tickets by our Stake President to attend conference, if AJ was feeling up to it. From that point forward, AJ made it his goal to be able attend. He worked hard at it and made it a reality!) Our assigned seats were in the balcony but as we were looking for the way to the balcony, an usher told us that we could sit in the Plaza level! Wheelchair BONUS!
Pertaining to AJ's Recovery, two important facts stood out to me:
Pertaining to AJ's Recovery, two important facts stood out to me:
1. Preparedness = Success - We couldn't just hurry out the door like we are used to doing. There was a lot of preparation that had to be done, including bringing 'emergency' supplies and planning in extra time for parking and getting through the crowd. I was thankful for a wise therapist who allotted plenty of time for our activity!
2. Independence is Freedom - It was so great to get outside to just enjoy being in the beautiful weather and being out in public. The therapist added an extra hour to our trip so we could explore Temple Square -- and we did! AJ led the way, going wherever he wanted to. (It was helpful that the area is very wheelchair friendly, too.) We even ran into a couple of friends from Richland! That kind of independence and freedom is priceless. We returned to rehab feeling refreshed and renewed!
A few pics for fun:
October 3 - Goals
One goal AJ has is to be able to use a self propelled wheelchair when he leaves at the end of the month. In order to do that, he has to develop more core skill (right now he is without core strength or movement). Today, after working on the FES machine with upper and lower body, he worked on moving from a tripod sit to moving his body forward and stretching. His strength is increasing, but it remains a difficult skill to master. He also noticed his neck is getting sore as he is using more of those muscles. It's great to watch his strength grow! Here is a video of his awesome work:
Friday, October 3, 2014
October 2 - New Look and New Skills
THE C-COLLAR IS GONE!!!! Yesterday, Dr. Montgomery ordered some x-rays to check for healing. They came back today looking great, so the doctor said AJ can take the brace off - after only 5 weeks! He doesn't need to wear it unless he feels concerned. We were happily surprised at how quickly AJ adjusted to having the collar off. He didn't feel vulnerable at all without it! The only thing he misses is that now his mouth falls open now when he falls asleep - haha!
The OT introduced AJ to dressing himself today (in the series of pictures below you can see the therapist teaching and helping AJ). Without use of his hands and without full strength and flexibility of his arms and shoulders, this is an extremely difficult task. Yet, with assistance, he is beginning to develop these skills. It's so interesting to watch the therapists teach him techniques that will compensate for his loss of mobility. The independence is priceless!
September 30 - A Taste of Home
Today Dr. R did the ASI-A testing again. AJ has improved from C5 to C6 on the right side, which is great! The left side is still at a C5 level, but it is gaining strength. Through the rest of his body there is no change of movement, but there is increased feeling. Overall, AJ is doing well and slowly improving.
We continue to be so grateful for the visits from friends and family. This evening some of my friends from home were traveling to Provo and stopped by. Even though AJ was not very familiar with them, we all visited and had such a great time! It continues to amaze and humble me at how our burdens are lightened by others' acts of love and kindness. <3
We continue to be so grateful for the visits from friends and family. This evening some of my friends from home were traveling to Provo and stopped by. Even though AJ was not very familiar with them, we all visited and had such a great time! It continues to amaze and humble me at how our burdens are lightened by others' acts of love and kindness. <3
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A Taste of Home: Washington apples and homemade brownies! |
September 28 - Hope in the Future
Today AJ dawned his Sunday clothes for the first time in a month -- even down to his church shoes! Needless to say, he was looking quite handsome ;)
The sacrament talk today compared the "Trail of Hope" on Parley Street in Nauvoo, IL with our own difficult journeys in life. I had to smile because we just took a family vacation to Nauvoo this past summer. AJ had only 1 week he could take off from his summer sales job, and he chose to spend it with us touring the church history sites. So, he knew exactly what the Trail of Hope was! In case you're not familiar, beginning in February 1846, thousands of Latter-day Saints worked their way down Parley Street as they began their exodus to the west (being forced out of their homes by mobs and the government). Quotations of those who passed in sorrow are now posted at regular intervals for visitors to read. Here is one that the speaker shared:
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Alexis, AJ and Grandma Beecroft |
“My last act in that precious spot was to tidy the rooms, sweep up the floor, and set the broom in its accustomed place behind the door. Then with emotions in my heart…I gently closed the door and faced an unknown future, faced it with faith in God ...” Bathsheba W. SmithI felt inspired to consider the path that my family is on. I know God wants us to make time to be together as a family and to build relationships that are built on love and respect. This is what we did on our trip to Nauvoo! And with continued faith in His plan, we will keep building those relationships as we travel down this unfamiliar journey of recovery!
Nauvoo Trip, 2014 --- AJ, John, Caleb, Becca & Bradley |
September 29 -The Dreaded C-collar
The brace. So limiting, yet so necessary! A big day in rehab is the day the C-collar (similar to a dog cone - haha) comes off. For AJ, that day is set for 6-8 weeks after his surgery. So, he has 4 weeks under his belt and 2-4 weeks to go. When the on-call doctor came by today, AJ showed him that he could support his neck and move it around (all with the collar on), thus he did not need the collar anymore. We were surprised when the doctor's answer was that it seems like AJ needs a tighter collar! So, the petition backfired and we decided not to make mention of the torture device again. Instead, we taped this reminder on the wall:
In all honesty, AJ wonders how he will feel without the brace. The only time the brace is removed is right after showering. His head is immobilized as the pads in the brace are changed. During that time AJ's neck feels very vulnerable! Hopefully, it will be a pleasurable experience when the brace comes off instead of a hidden challenge.
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